Non-Traumatic Extraction for Pediatric Dentistry


Children are not simple to treat. It is a very thing, to convince young patients that the pain and discomfort is all for the better, but sometimes it needs to be done, and as parents your concern would be to find a pediatric dentistry who can work well with your child, so that necessary procedures […]

What You Need To Know About Minor And Major Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a special procedure performed by the dentist or an oral surgeon either to treat diseases, correct oral conditions and improve the appearance of a patient’s smile. When the necessity is high, the procedure is deemed emergency so compromises can be made; but when the surgery can be deferred and is not at […]

When Will You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Depending on the severity of the case, a tooth extraction may just involve the mere loosening of the tooth from stable attachment, but some bone reduction and tooth sectioning may also be required. Teeth extractions may performed on baby teeth and permanent teeth, on a child or adult patient, and they are indicated for various […]

Facts About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Common reasons for a getting a tooth extraction include the eruption of a wisdom tooth or a tooth that is too badly damaged to be repaired. Tooth extraction is performed by your dentist under local anesthesia and most pain disappears within a week.