When a patient comes into the dental office to see his dentist, he may come in with a problem or he may come with no specific purpose. Regardless of the chief complaint, however, the dentist meets every patient with the goal to meet all his needs, known or otherwise.
This means that when you come in with anything, a thorough examination will be carried out to detect the presence of problems, so that a proper address may be forwarded.
And when a patient is inquiring about dental crowns and dental fillings, they are provided to them when there is a definite need.
Here are some indications for when you need crowns and tooth fillings:
Cracked, chipped, fractured tooth
A tooth may be broken due to various reasons and when this happens a tooth filling could be provided. If the break is more severe and more tooth structure have to be replaced, a crown could be provided instead.
Stained or discolored tooth
Teeth stains and discolorations may be resolved by either dental fillings or dental crowns. A dental crown will, of course, provide better coverage so you can achieve exemplary aesthetics.
Decayed tooth
Dental caries is initially resolved by a dental filling. When the problem is addressed during their early stages, a filling is often enough to do the trick. The tooth is cleansed and the decayed tissue is removed so that it may be filled with a resin material.
Missing tooth
A missing tooth should be replaced so that the oral cavity may be restored to its full function and when a removable denture is out of the question, dental crowns that are linked together as a bridgework may be prescribed to the patient.
Improperly aligned tooth
Orthodontics usually resolves malocclusion and misalignments, but if a patient would rather ditch the dental braces, he could easily correct minor misalignments by reshaping the tooth with the use of crowns.
Misshapen tooth
When a tooth is malformed and is of a different shape that is far from how it should normally be, a dentist can reshape the tooth with a simple filling, but if the reconstruction is more severe, dental crowns will be the better choice.
Root canal treated tooth
After a root canal, the tooth may simply receive fillings so that it may be restored, but if the strength of the tooth is compromised, it may be reinforced with dental crowns. A crown will afford coverage that will strengthen the tooth and protect it.
When a patient is faced with a dental issue, he will be offered with options, but ultimately, a patient only receives dental crowns when he has a true need for it.